Friday, July 27, 2018

Day 4: July 27, 2018; Super Jeep, Seljelands, Valahnukur, Volcano Huts, Stakkholtsgkja Gorge, Puffin

An unbelievable day in Iceland, at least according to the locals. The temperature was in the 60's (higher in the sun) and sunny most of the day.

We had a breakfast at the Hotel Ranga and headed off for our Super "Jeep" (actually Fords) journey.

Hotel Ranga
The hotel is a log cabin structure, which is interesting in a country with not trees. Supposedly, the wood came from Canada.

We drove about 30 minutes to the Seljelands. It was an interesting ride over roads that would be impassable to "ordinary" vehicles (we saw several "off road" vehicles along the side of the road who tried). 

At Seljelands, we started the hike. We went about 2.6 miles before we reached the Volcano Huts where we had lunch. It was about 2.7 miles with an elevation gain of 600 feet. Not too bad.

Local (Esteban) entertained us during lunch

Volcano which erupted in 2010

We then had to decide whether to take the "moderate" hike around the Valahnukuyr or go over it. Stephen decided he wanted to go over it. I (foolishly) agreed to go along. The hike over the top was less than one mile, but covered an elevation gain of 400 feet. I barely made it and brought up the rear of the group. Once on top, it was a great view.

We started down there!

We then hiked down which hurt as much (just different muscles) than the hike up. We loaded back into the Super "Jeeps" and went to the site of the 2010 eruption.

We returned the place we boarded the "jeeps" and walked around Stakkhjoltsgja Gorge. Nice waterfall. 

Back to the Hotel Ranga. Tomorrow, we start our 40+ mile bike trip.

OH MY...we found Puffin on the appetizer list at dinner tonight. It was EXCELLENT!